Keďže velikáni hard rocku z Veľkej Británie v prvej polovici 70-tych rokov (Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Uriah Heep, Budgie, Atomic Rooster) sú na progboarde prítomní komplet, nezaškodí vypočuť si aj takzvaný druhý sled.
Mnohí sa snažili uspieť, ale máloktorým bolo dopriate. Skupiny ako Paladin, Clear Blue Sky, Armageddon, Running Man, Argus, Elias Hulk, Freedom, May Blitz, Tucky Buzzard, Fuzzy Duck, Orang-utan, Ashkan, Hackensack, Hard Stuff, Skin Alley, Humble Pie, Leaf Hound, Janus, Road, Rumplestiltskin, Stray, Still Life, Trapeze, Warhorse a spústa ďalších, ktoré nepoznám, a na ktoré si momentálne nespomeniem, zahltili trh. Z dnešného pohľadu je možné konštatovať, že až na výnimky dieru do sveta neurobili a dnes si na ne, okrem „zúfalcov“ zberateľov, nikto nespomenie. Dobrá správa je, že až mi zvýši čas, všetky ich sem nahodím, takže zostanú v našej Alzhaimerom skúšanej pamäti aspoň virtuálne.
Tento orgastický úvod mal za cieľ predovšetkým zakryť skutočnosť, že o skupine moc neviem. Japonský booklet nemám šancu prelúskať a iné mne dostupné zdroje sú ku skupine Jerusalem nesmierne skúpe.
V skratke: Anglická hard rocková skupina Jerusalem vydala jeden eponymný album v roku 1972 na značke Decca a zapadla do zabudnutia. Samotnú skupinu tvorili piati členovia, Bob Cook (gitara), Paul Dean (basa), Bill Hinde (gitara), Ray Sparrow (bicie) a Lynden Williams (spev). Predhovor na platni napísal Ian Gillan, ktorý sa nesmierne tešil, aká úžasná skupina to je, a ako sa teší na ich ďalšie počiny (a asi sa teší dodnes, ak ho ešte baví čakať).
Parádny kúsok pre fajnšmekrov.
hejkal 11/2007
Black Horses REACTION:
This is not Jerusalem
I would just like to bring your attention to the fact that this album musically has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with the legendary Jerusalem band managed and produced by Ian Gillan. Like the previous release Escalator on Mausoleum, Lynden has just used the name under false pretenses to try and get sales. Even Bob Cooke who appeared on Escalator was against Lynden using the name, which I have in writing. Ray Sparrow and myself were the founding members, we then pulled in Bill Hinde and later on Bob Cooke. Lynden was brought in at a much later date after auditions in London. Lynden's musical contributions to the Jerusalem album were only the lyrics on 3 songs, the music of which I wrote. He was also tutored how to sing the songs. Bob Cooke recently warned me that Lynden was once again going to use the Jerusalem name even though the music bears no relevance to Jerusalem and Bob didn't even perform on it musically. I'm also surprised that a highly professional company like Angel Air Records would have allowed Lynden to use the name and support such a release under that name. If Lynden is not capable and confident enough of releasing music under his own name, but would rather use and abuse the name of a well respected band from 43 years ago that he was fortunate to be part of for a short time, then he shouldn't be releasing music. I am also surprised that he has done it again after Escalator considering the number of fans and followers of the real Jerusalem who found it insulting. Very disappointed.
Paul Dean - Jerusalem
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