Sanders, Ed - Thirsting for Peace (2005)

1. The Question of Fame - 3:16
2. Wild Woman of East Tenth Street - 7:32
3. Satie - 3:10
4. The Final Section of Gregory Coro's "Bomb" - 3:44
5. Song for Allen - 5:40
6. America at Peace March - 4:14
7. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: Scroll Me Some Answers O ... - 2:13
8. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: No Greater Belief in Words ... - 3:49
9. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: Soap Clay Cliff - 1:43
10. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: The Feather of Justice - 2:26
11. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: Spiritual Topography - 1:30
12. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: Why Is Why Whying? - 2:19
13. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: It Chars My Lips, But Still ... - 1:55
14. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: I Think of Sappho Often - 2:20
15. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: Rock & Roll & Roll Away the ... - 2:50
16. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: Water Is the Greatest Thing - 1:18
17. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: Crack of Grace - 1:51
18. Thirsting for Peace in RagingCentury: See Shadow on the Other Side - 1:50


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