Stano - Seducing Decadence In Morning Treecrash (1986)

1. Hayley (Journey´s Outside My Body) (04:18)
2. S-Tapes (Within The Jolt) (04:05)
3. Ascendancy (06:00)
4. Destruction 28 Nein (05:40)
5. Singular In The Dark (05:32)
6. Cry Across The Sea (05:21)
7. When Your In Love (Bathroom) (03:53)
8. Chaplin (05:21)

Total Plying Time 41:19


Stano (aka Protagonist 28 Nein) - voc, various instruments, programing

Gurdi - gt
Donald Teskey - gt
Sean Devitt - ds
Vinnie Murphy - various instruments

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