VARIOUS ARTISTS - The Tales of Edgar Allan Poe - A syNphonic Collection (2010)

1. Marco La Muscio - Intro
2.Senogul - The Black cat
3.La Théorie des Cordes - A descent into the Maelström
4.Oracle - Tall Tale Heart
5.N.O.T. - The Sphinx
6.Dunwich - The Oblong Box
7.Guy Leblanc - The Oval Portrait
8.Jinetes Negros - The Masque of the Red Death

1.Jukka Kulju - The Purloined Letter
2.Anima Morte - The Premature Burial
3.Blank Manuscript - The Gold Bug
4.Areknames - Hop Frog
5.Little Tragedies - The Man of the Crowd
6.Armalite - The Murder of the Rue Morgue
7.Chansonoir - Ligeia
8.Magnetic Sound Machine - The cask of Amontillado
9.Daal - The Fall of the House of Usher


Various artists


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