Deviants - The Deviants 3 (1969)

1, "Billy the Monster" – 3:26
2, "Broken Biscuits" – 2:10
3, "First Line (Seven The Row)" – 2:44
4, "The People Suite" – 2:24
5, "Rambling B(l)ack Transit Blues" – 5:37
6, "Death of a Dream Machine" – 2:50
7, "Playtime" – 3:06
8, "Black George Does It With His Tongue" – 1:20
9, "The Junior Narco Rangers" – 0:28
10, "Lets Drink To the People" – 1:32
11, "Metamorphosis Explosion" – 8:57


Mick Farren – lead vocals and production
Paul Rudolph – Guitar, vocals and mouth music
Duncan Sanderson – Bass and vocals
Russell Hunter – Percussion, vocals and stereo panning

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