Glass Hammer - The Inconsolable Secret (2005)

Disc One:
01. A Maker Of Crowns (15:21)
02. The Knight Of The North (24:39)

Disc Two:
01. Long And Long Ago (10:23)
02. The Morning She Woke (5:36)
03. Lirazel (4:30)
04. The High Place (3:33)
05. Morrigan's Song (2:23)
06. Walking Toward Doom (2:06)
07. Mog Ruith (2:03)
08. Through A Glass Darkly (6:55)
09. The Lady Waits (5:46)
10. The Mirror Cracks (2:12)
11. Having Caught A Glimpse (13:23)

Total Time: 98:26


- Fred Schendel / keyboards, electric guitar, steel guitar, vocals
- Steve Babb / keyboards, bass guitar, vocals
- Walter Moore / vocals
- Susie Bogdanowicz / vocals
- Matt Mendians / drums

Guest musicians:
- Sarah Snyder / featured soprano
- Bethany Warren / backing cocals & Girls Choir
- Flo Paris / vocals on “Long and Long Ago” and “Having Caught a Glimpse”
- Eric Parker / acoustic guitar
- Laura Lindstrom / vocals on “Morrigan’s Song”
- David Carter / lead guitar on “Long and Long Ago”

06.07.2006 PanDan | #
4 stars

GlassHammer jsou podařenou reinkarnací Yes,Genesis i Pink Floyd.Echa jejich hudby jsou slyšet téměř z každého tónu. Tedy málo originality, ale jinak brilantní melodie, krásné propojení hlasů. Tato nahrávka nabízí mj. uhrančivé songy Long and long ago,Morrigan´s song či poslední track alba. Hru plnou emocí v podání GH si nenechte ujít.

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