Bruce, Jack - Songs For A Tailor (1969)

1. Never Tell Your Mother She's Out of Tune (3:41)
2. Theme for an Imaginary Western (3:30)
3. Tickets to Water Falls (3:00)
4. Weird of Hermiston (2:24)
5. Rope Ladder to the Moon (2:54)
6. The Ministry of Bag (2:49)
7. He the Richmond (3:36)
8. Boston Ball Game 1967 (1:45)
9. To Isengard (5:28)
10. The Clearout (2:35)


Jack Bruce: vocals (1-10), piano(1-6, 8, 10), bass (1-10), organ (2-4, 10), cellos (5), guitar (5, 7, 9)
George Harrison: guitar (1)
Harry Becket: trumpet (1, 6, 8)
Henry Lowther: trumpet (1, 6, 8)
Dick Heckstall-Smith: tenor and soprano saxophones (1, 6, 8)
Art Themen: tenor and soprano saxophones (1, 6, 8)
Jon Hiseman: drums (1-4, 6, 8-10)
Chris Spedding: guitar (2-4, 6, 9, 10)
John Marshall: drums (5, 7)
Felix Pappalardi: vocals (5, 9), percussion (7), guitar (9)
John Mumford: trombone (8)

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